
Boot Camp Assistant Windows 8.1 Download

Mac users have a couple of options when information technology comes to installing and running Windows 10 on Mac. One can install Windows on Mac with the assistance of the built-in Kicking Camp Assistant software offered in macOS, use virtualization software like VirtualBox to install Windows inside Mac, or manually create a new partition and so install Windows without the help of Boot Camp.

install Windows 10 on mac without boot camp

In one of our previous articles, we discussed installing Windows 10 on Mac with the help of Apple's Boot Campsite software. In this guide, we're going to prove you lot how to install Windows ten on Mac without the Kick Camp Banana software. This method involves creating a new partition for Windows, preparing a bootable Windows 10 USB, and of course, installing Windows x on your Mac.

Consummate the given below instructions to successfully install Windows ten on your Mac without Boot Military camp software. Note that this method can besides be used to install Windows 8.1 on Mac.

Install Windows 10 on Mac without Kick Camp Assistant

Pace 1: Turn on your Mac automobile and kick into macOS. Open Launchpad, click Other and so click Disk Utility to open the same.

Install Windows 8.1 Mac Without Boot Camp software

Step 2: One time Disk Utility is launched, select the drive (your SSD or HDD) in the left side, and then switch to the Partition tab. Disk Utility will now testify you the sectionalisation layout.

Screen Shot 2013-10-01 at 3.29.50 PM

Screen Shot 2013-10-01 at 3.30.33 PM

Step 3: Next, click on the small "+" sign to create a new partition.

Step 4: Select the newly created segmentation, enter a name for your new partitioning (remember the name every bit yous tin can easily select the newly created partition later while installing Windows), select the size (at least xxx GB), and then select the format as DOS (FAT) or ExFAT. Y'all can cull either DOS or ExFat here, equally you can format the partition to NTFS while installing Windows 10.

Screen Shot 2013-10-01 at 3.31.05 PM

Click Utilise button to create a new partition to install Windows. Click on the Sectionalisation button when you see the alarm message. In one case the new sectionalization is ready, close Disk Utility.

Screen Shot 2013-10-01 at 3.32.01 PM

Pace 5: Adjacent, you need to ready bootable Windows 10 installation media. Download and run UNetbootin (free) and ready the bootable USB of Windows 10.

install Windows 10 on mac without boot camp

And if you already accept the bootable media, y'all can keep to the adjacent step.

Step 6: One time you have the bootable media, restart your Mac, concord down the Alt (Option) cardinal while restarting the Mac, choose the choice titled Windows (don't select EFI unless you are very sure) to begin installing Windows on your Mac.

Windows 8.1 Mac Without Boot Camp

Step 7: Follow the simple on-screen instructions, and when you encounter the partition selection screen, select the newly created partition (be sure to select the right sectionalization), click Format to format the sectionalisation with NTFS, select the formatted partition, so click Install button to go along installing Windows on your Mac.

Windows 8.1 Mac Without Boot Camp1

Windows 8.1 Mac Without Boot Camp2

Note that during the installation, your system will be rebooted a couple of times. Every time your organization reboots, hold down the Alt (Choice) key, and then select Windows to proceed the installation.

Pace 8: From here on, you need to follow the normal Windows 10 installation procedure.

Step 9: In one case Windows is installed on your Mac, check if everything works fine.

If keyboard, trackpad or any other hardware doesn't work, you might need to download device drivers (Boot Camp drivers) from Apple using our how to download Boot Camp drivers on Windows ten without Boot Camp Assistant software guide for directions.

If you plan to use Windows as your default operating system, nosotros suggest y'all fix Windows every bit default OS in boot choice screen to avoid pressing the Alt key every time you turn on your Mac. How to quickly reboot into Mac from Windows guide might also interest you.

Boot Camp Assistant Windows 8.1 Download,


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